Action on Coastal Erosion at Robert Point, Western Australia





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Coastal Erosion at Robert Point in Mandurah, Western Australia – Progress Update 6

Our Mandurah community are pleased to be getting action on the ground to address the coastal erosion issues at Robert Point and Doddis Beach in Mandurah, Western Australia.

This week was another very busy week with signs of work at Robert Point, the local Resident meeting with the City of Mandurah Manager for Natural Environment and the coastline, and creation of our community photo library which contains pictures of the coastal erosion that we are experiencing and seeing at Robert Point and Doddis Beach, Mandurah! 

Action puts Robert Point and Doddis Beach in the Spotlight

On Thursday, there were promising signs of action by the City of Mandurah to address the coastal erosion at Robert Point and along the Doddis Beach Foreshore. Two of the beach access ways at the Robert Point Carpark were closed due to safety and access issues resulting from erosion of Doddis Beach. The erosion has been so bad that the dune at the Robert Point Carpark is completely gone and the erosion has begun hollowing under the carpark itself.

Closing the access ways at Robert Point prevents further deterioration and erosion of the dune by Doddis beach goers and also means that no one will be hurt trying to navigate the steep drop-offs. 

Urgent remedial work and action to address the beach erosion at Robert Point and along Doddis Beach Foreshore is planned. The City of Mandurah have advised that the initial work will include:

  • Wheel stops for the Robert Point carpark bays on the beachside;
  • Renourishment of sand in the dune fronting the Robert Point carpark; and
  • Clearing out of sand from drainage in the carpark.
Access to the beach from Robert Point carpark was temporarily closed in February 2023 due to Robert Point Access Way Closed due to erosion and safety concerns for beach goers and pedestrians.
A second access way at Robert Point was also closed to prevent injury to beach users and further erosion of the dune.

Mandurah Residents Voice their Concerns to Get Action on Coastal Erosion

On Friday, residents had a second meeting with the Manager for the beach and coastal areas, and the Environmental Officer for the City of Mandurah. The meeting was organised so that residents could discuss the coastal erosion, access, beach degradation and a number of other related issues with the team responsible for the beaches and natural environment. The City of Mandurah team were also keen to hear residents’ observations, feedback and experiences with the beach, in order to gain a deeper appreciation of the concerns that residents have.

The residents’ meeting was an open invitation to the community and everyone attending had a chance to speak and be heard. 

Attendees raised a range of issues including beach access, safety, sand bypassing, seaweed concerns, rocks, groundwater issues, “the sink hole” around the dredge, and queries about the start date for the cycle path. In addition, concerns and queries that had been emailed through, including one from a resident in Meadow Springs, were read out and discussed.

Overall, it was a good meeting and local residents left feeling they we had been heard and the City of Mandurah are listening and receptive to local concerns. It is pleasing to know that planning is underway for both the immediate urgent remediation work and the long term work to address the major erosion issues that we are facing along our coastline.

Local residents meeting the City of Mandurah Manager for Natural Environment, Brett Brenchley (seated) and the Environmental Officer (standing back left)
Environment Officer Aimee Broadbridge (left), Petition Organiser and Local Resident, Christin Smith (Centre) and Manager for Natural Environment Brett Brenchley (Right) following the community meeting (Feb 2023) to discuss resident concerns.

Pictures Showing Coastal Erosion and Changes of Halls Head Beaches in Western Australia

We are building a community picture library of our local Halls Head beaches to document some of the changes that we are seeing to our local WA coastline. Many people responded to our request for photos. Thankyou! Due to residents’ combined efforts, we now have an online community picture library of Mandurah beach photos and images in Google Drive showing changes to the lcoal beach and the effects of coastal erosion.

These pictures will be used to help explain local concerns about coastal erosion and the changes and deterioration that residents are seeing. The pictures cover the stretch of coastline from Doddis Beach and Robert Point and along to Seascapes, Halls Head. The library will also serve as a good historical record of the changing nature of the beach.

The photos can be viewed here: Pictures of Coastal Erosion, Halls Head, Western Australia 

If you have relevant photos please let me know and I will add them in! (I can be contacted through the contact form.)

Better Beach Management at Robert Point and Doddis Beach

It is really great to see action on the ground and the momentum on Roberts Point continuing this week in relation to our concerns about coastal erosion and beach management. It’s also wonderful that both the short term and long term issues are being addressed.

Coastal erosion issues can be complex. Our local situation here in Mandurah, Western Australia relates not just to the changing environment but also to the management of the beach and also the impact of the sand bypassing operations at Victor Adam (next to Mandurah Channel in Halls Head), and the Pyramids Beach (next to Dawesville Cut). 

All in all, it takes many stakeholders (City of Mandurah staff and Councillors, Department of Transport, local Ministers, Mandurah community and local residents) to be willing to discuss concerns, openly share ideas, listen and provide constructive feedback, to work through these issues around coastal erosion and degradation of our Halls Head beaches. In this way, possible solutions can be explored, in order to improve the situation and achieve good outcomes for everyone.

Well done to all those local people who have joined our cause and are supporting this process.

Until our next update, stay well and we will talk soon!

Progress Updates on the Petition to Protect Doddis Beach

To read past updates about the Petition to Protect Doddis Beach please visit these pages:

Progress Update 1: Coastal Erosion Petition to Protect Doddis Beach

Progress Update 2: Progress on Petition to Protect Doddis Beach

Progress Update 3: Doddis Beach Petition Closes

Progress Update 4: Petition to Protect Doddis Beach and Robert Point Unanimously Accepted by Council

Progress Update 5: Sand Renourishment and Remedial Works Starting at Robert Point

Please Share Our Cause to Protect Doddis Beach from Coastal Erosion

Feel free to share this post and our cause to Protect Doddis Beach with others living locally in Mandurah or those concerned about local coastal erosion and the deterioration of our beaches. If you would like to keep up to date with our progress, please subscribe direct to our Doddis Beach Newsletter.

Thankyou for your support.

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